Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Love thing

What really is this love thing ?
Is it just carring ?
Is it sharing ?
or is it something i need to full fill the sexual things tht hungers me ?

i really dont know what it is. I fell in love with someone that i am not able to get. Why does that happens. Is it a loop hole in the system or is it something with me or am i in the wrong time ? these things keep on disturbing me though i want to get rid of it. I tried everything i can to avoid from it but it keeps comming and knock my door. What shall i do ? Am i the only person who goes through this, i hope not, but i feel that. this is funny eh mind blowing challenging. Never came across a challange this tricky.

Why is my purpose to write this post ? U might think i need some attention. but that is not it i need help, need some clues to get over from it. i too wanted and wants to live a happy live. perhaps who reads this post might think i am desperate. but i dont think i am or am not sure "i am".

1 comment:

Inash said...

Here it is after almost 4 weeks I'm able to post what I wanted to.

Dearest Iam. You are in some serious hole of shit I admit. Though I'm pretty sure you don't have any of those intentions that you've pointed out in your last paragraph, you need to discover your doubts and be enlightened.

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